Thursday, January 7, 2010

Virtual reality and it's non-benefits of loserness

As you can tell by the rather emotional title of this blog, at the moment the virtual universe is not something I'm super excited about. See, It's been nearly a month since I've been in the physical presence of my boyfriend the Kevin, and while I am eternally grateful to technology for allowing us to have daily contact in several forms, I am also really homesick for the realness that can only be felt when I'm actually with him.

I've believed this before, bee-kissing hippie that I am, that the experience of seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, and tasting someone is a real connector. That it allows souls to touch. But it is becoming increasingly and painfully more clear in my head that this is true with each passing day. I can hear Kevin's voice over the phone, but there's something really missing. I'm not actually hearing his voice, hearing his spirit. It sounds like him, but it's just a signal traveling over wires; no more him than the words on my facebook wall where he posted. I can see his face in pictures and videos, and I can see the uber-reddness of his hair, but at the same time, I can't. I can't see the aura of him. I can't see the essence of ginger. It's just a thing, captured light, these pictures. It's not him.

What, with all this rambling, is the main point that I'm trying to say?

You can't really experience the fullness of a person unless you're physically in their presence. I think this is why Jesus became human, and this is why he became the little white thing in the tabernacle. Because he designed us to need physical presence. We cannot, cannot experience the real Jesus just by entering a state of meditation and saying ohm. (Not that Jesus-worshiping people usually do that, I just like to say it cause it sounds funny.) We cannot, cannot experience the real, full Jesus just by reading his Word that was written down, awesome as words are. We HAVE to be in the real, freaking presence of Jesus to really really get the real him.

Gosh darn it when I get back to school, my resolution is to not let any more days go by where I don't visit Jesus at least once.

And I'm going to give Kevin a $50 kiss.


  1. ...
    I love when hardships in life make you turn to God. It does wonders for me, and always pushes me back into His arms.

  2. Theology of the Body for beginners. ;) Seriously. "When you touch a body, you touch a person." Humans are body and soul, and we sure show it.
